179(57). Amarаvatи buddhist stone inscription. (No. 501 of 1913).

At the lower end of a sculptured slab (udha-paтa).
R. Chanda, EI, XV. No. 13.57


1 Sidhaм Namо Bhagavato Siri-Negichasa pusa [Ka]likasa Haшasa bhariyaya cha Chatiya-put[а]na cha
2 Mahаchaмdamukhasa Chulachaмdamukhasa bаlikaya ca utariyasa nuтhu cha Haghaya Bhalaha . ghaya viya sa(si ?) ru
3 . . . . . Balasa deya-dhammaм pa[ti]тhapita udha-paтa

The names following Balikaya cha in line 2 cannot be made out. I give the syllables as far as I can read them. - RCh. [Read Utariyasa nuтhu cha Haghаya Chula-haghаya ?-Ed. - F.W. Thomas]

'Success ! Adoration to the Blessed One ! (This) upright slab placed (here) is the pious gift of Kalika, the son (pusa=putasa) of Щrи-Negicha, and of the wife of Haшa (Harшa) and of Maha-chaмdamukha (Mahа-chandramukha) and Chula-chaмdamukha (Kшudra-chandramukha), sons of Chatiya (Chaitya) and his daughter [and the grand-daughter of Utariya Haghа and Chula-haghа] and of Bala.' (RCh.)