No. 6. Nаnаghат cave inscription. Prakrit.
1837 Sykes, JRAS IV, p. 288 f., No. 4, and Pl.; 1878 Bh. Indraji, JBBRAS XIII, p. 311, No. 5, and Pl.; 1888 Buфhler, ASWI V, p. 64, No. 7, and Pl. LI; 1883 Bh. Indraji, BG XVI, p. 611; Luders list No 1117; SI No. 80;
- (Image of) prince (kumаra) Hakusiri (Щaktiщrи).
6 inscriptions (No. 2-7) are incised on the back-wall of the Nаnаghат Cave, above the positions of the heads of what were relievo figures now entirely destroyed (ASWI).


Kumaro Hakusiri.
The Royal prince Hakusiri.

ASWI note
Hakusiri, which, according to the method of spelling used in the ancient inscriptions, may stand for Hakkusiri, would correspond exactly to Sanskrit Saktuщrи, "he whose glory is the (sacrificial) barley-flour." But it will be shown below in the remarks that it is probably a corruption of Щaktiщrи.