Commentaries and variants.

L.1: Siddhaм only in Gai publication, CPI - spyral symbol at the commenement of this line; Gopal read: aviratаnta and aiщvarya-nitya-vyаbаdha-paukhya (pуjа)(saukhyа ?)chаraх; CPI read: Jinеndra-param=; bhаk instead -vаk; read: yugapa-jгаna as yugapaj-jгаna (DNL).
L.2: Gopal read: s=аштаdaщa-rаdryi(rthи?)yaх praщаsitо(taх); Gai read: щrи-Kршнavarmma-mahаrаja- and in the next stk. dharmmasya. CPI - Kadambyа(mbа)nам; in notes: the letter ma, originally omitted, has been engraved below the line, with the indicator marked aslant between rma and hа.
L.3: Gopal read: Kaikеyа.
L.4: Gopal read: sva-bhujau[jauvitetoka] (sva-bhuj=аrjitаstоka?), vеga-vаryе(a)-vиryaх vаji-gandharvva щabda; Gai read: -оcita-naika-bhоga-
L.5: Gopal, Gai read -dharmma dhanur-, Gopal read: =vеda=аdyа(dhyа)tma and avidita-kшapаkшaнaх. CPI has -diva- instead -dina-.
L.6: Gopal read: vi . vik-rama-vi.
L.7: Gopal read: sаrvya(rva)bhaumaх, navama-saмvatsarе and paurнama(mа)syам. Gai read: -sama-. CPI in notes: the letter na, in -sama(mа)na- originally omitted, has been engraved below the line.
L.8: Gopal read: dеvаdhidеva param=Arhaty=аyatanasya. Gai: pуjаrtthaм
L.9: Gopal read: Аsandi-taтаkаsy= and =nivarttanamаtrе; CPI : -taдаkаsy=.
L.10. Gopal read: vya(va)sudhа, rаjabhiх Sagar=.
L.11. Gai in notes (to bhуmiх): sandhi has not observed here.
L.12: Corrected vasundharам(ram) only by Gai.
L.13 Gai not read; Gopal: the outer face of the first plate does not contain any ring, but the outer face of the third plate has indifferent engraving said to be in characters of c. 8-th century and read as щrи vijaya jaya vija.