Commentaries and Variants

L.1 Gai: siddham is written in the margin, between lines 1 and 2, Gopal has: vaijayantyаm.
L.2 Gai in notes to =аbhiшiktasya: there is an unnecessary hook-like mark after sya.
L.3 Gopal has: kadambаnам.
L.4 Gopal has: щrи vijaya.
L.5 Gopal has only: -sagоtrаbhyаm, -sampannаbhyаm.
L.8 Gopal has: kоguli-pаguya-pall[y]i.
L.9 Gopal has: pukkоllи-kшеtram.
L.13 Gopal has: щrеy=оbhyudaya, Gai: щrеyоbhyudaya.
L.15 Gopal has y=оbhirakшati.
L.16 Gopal has || instead |.