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Collection of Gupta inscriptions (2007)

Collection of Later Gupta, Maukhari, Parivrajaka and Uccakalpa kings inscriptions (2008)

gerb Collection of Nepal sanskrit epigraphy (my earliest publication from 2000 on the server
Corrected version (IX/2004) - Collection of Licchavi's inscriptions  with the text of Gopalarajavamshavali (V1, F17-30).
Corrections in 2006 prepared with the funding of RUSSIAN FOND OF HUMANITIES (, Pr. No. 04-01-00111a by D.N. Lielukhine, Oriental Institute.
Collection of Early Kadamba inscriptions (X/2001)
Collection of Vakataka inscriptions (see table with formulas of immunities on "main" and start page of collection) (VIII/2002)
Prepared with the funding of RUSSIAN FOND OF HUMANITIES, Pr. No. 00-01-12031B  by  D.N. Lielukhine, Oriental Institute.
Collection of Bagh kings' inscriptions (see tables with different formulas on start and "main" page of collection) (VIII/2002)
Prepared with the funding of RUSSIAN FOND OF HUMANITIES, Pr. No. 00-01-12031B  by  D.N. Lielukhine, Oriental Institute.

All materials on the site

(c) Oriental institute, 2000-2014
(c) Lielukhine D.N., 2000-2014

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