15. Madras Museum plates, year 28.
EI, XXVIII, 226-35 (M. Venkataramayya); IO, II, I, 17-20 (S.Rajaguru).




These copper plates were received for examination in 1934 by the Superintendent for Epigraphy, Mylapore, Madras, from the Covernment Museum, Madras, and noticed by him as C.P. No. 24 of 1994-5. The plates were sold to the Museum by Mr. M. Somasekhara Sarma, Madras. The Superintendent for Epigraphy reports on them as follows: "No information is forthcoming regarding the place or history of their discovery. The plates which are rather thin, measure 6 1/2" by 2 5/8"' and bear a ringhole of about 7/16" in diameter near the proper right margin. The ring and the seal that must have accompanied the grant are now missing. The plates have four faces of writing in all, the first and the third plates are slightly corroded, so much so that there are some holes in the body of these plates and their right bottom corners have been partly eaten away. . . . . . . . . the grant is itself a palimpsest written over a previous charter, the letters of which though completely effaced are partly and faintly visible in a few places. (MV)


First Plate

1 Svasti [|*] Vijaya-Siкghapurаpta(t=Pa)ramadaivata-Bappa-bhaттаraka-pаda-prasа-
2 d-аvаpta-щarиra-rаjya-vibhavaх Mатhara-kul-аlaкkа(кka)riшнu-Kaliкgаdhipa-
3 ti-Щrиman-Mahаrаja-Anantaщaktivarmmа Ba(Va)rаhavarttanyа Аvi-pаriщvе
4 Sakuнaka-grаma(mе) sarvva-samavеtак=ku(n=ku)тumbinа(naх) samаjгаpayati [|*] a-
5 sty=ешa-grаmо=smаbhi а(r=а)tmanaх puny-а(нy-а)yur-yyaщо-ёbhivрddhayе asmai

Second Plate: First Side

6 Kаtyаyana-sagоtrаya Taitр(ttirи)ya-sabrahmachаri-brаhma-
7 нa-Nаgaщarmmaне Durggaщarmmaнеbhyо dvau bhrаtarau а-chandra-tаraka-
8 pratiштham=aggrahаraм kрtv=аtisршtaх [|*] tad=еva[м*] viditvа yu-
9 шmаbhir=yyath-оchita-maryya(ryyа)day=оpasthаna[м*] karttavyaх(vyaм) [|*] bhaviщya(шya)taщ=cha
10 rаjго vijnаpayati dharmma-kkrama-vikkramанаm=anyatama-yоgа-

Second Plate: Second Side

11 d=avаpya mahиm=anuщаsatаm pravрttakam=iman=dаna-dharmmam=anupa-
12 щyadbhiх ешо=ёgrahаrо=ёnupаlya[х] [|*] bhavati(nti) ch=аttra Vyаsa[gи]tа[х*] щlоkа[х] [|*] Ba-
13 hubir=bbahudhа dattа vasudhа vasudhаdhipai[х*] [|*] yasya yasya
14 yadа bhуmis=tasya tasya tadа phalam [|*] Шaштhi-ba(штi-va)rшa-sahasrа-
15 нi svarggе vasati bhуmidaх [|*] аkшеptа ch=аnumantа cha tаny=еva na-

Third Plate

16 rakе vasеt [||] Pуrvva-dattам dvijаtibhyо yatnаd=rakшa Yudhiштhira [|*] mahи-
17 m=mahimatа[м] щrештha dаnаch=chhrеyо=ёnupаlanam=iti(m [||*]=iti [|*]) dуtau ku-
18 mаrаmаtau(tyau) mahаva(ba)lаdhikрta-daндanеtр-Щivabhоjaka-
19 Vasudatau(ttau) || Saмvatsaram 20 8 Pha(Phа)lguнa(na)-щukla-pakшa-daщa[myам li-]
20 khitam dещаkшapaтalаdhikрta-[ta*]lavar-Аrjjunadattеna ||