17. Srungavarapukотa plates.
EI, XXIII, No.9, 56-61 (R. C. Majumdar); JAHRS, 8, pts. 2 & 3: 153-60 (M. Narasimham); IO, II, I, 35-39 (S.Rajaguru).




This is a set of three copper-plates, measuring 8 1/2 inches in length and 2 inches in breadth. The right half of the third plate is broken and missing. The outer faces of the first and third plates are blank, while the second plate bears writing on both the sides. The plates are strung on a ring, the ends of which are soldered to a circular seal bearing in relief the figure of a conch with some indistinct emblem inside it.
The plates were discovered at the village of Srungavarapukотa, in the district of Vizagapatam (Madras). The cultivator who found them was under the impression that the metal was gold, so he broke the third plate, and had one piece melted by a goldsmith who, of course, declared it to be made of copper. Thus the remaining plates were left intact and secured by Dr. C. Narayana Rao, M.A., Ph.D. He gave them to Mr. M. Narasimham, who sold them to the Madras Museum where the plates are now preserved.
Mr. M. Narasimham edited the inscription in the Journal of the Andhra Historical Research Society (Vol. VIII, pp. 153-160), with Photo-prints oн the plates. Unfortunately, his reading contains several errors, and many of his introductory remarks are either palpably wrong or open to serious objections.
I re-edit the inscription from ink-impressions kindly supplied by Dr. N. P. Chakravarti, the Government Epigraphist for India. (R.C.M):


First Plate.

1 Ом Svasti[||*]Vijaya-Piштapur-аdhiштhаnаn=mahи-maндala-vyаpi-щаrad-еndu-kara-nirmmala-guнasya
2 Dеvarашtr-аdhipatеr=anеka-samara-saкghaттa-vijay-аdhigata-yaщasо Mahаrаja-щrи-Gu-
3 нavarmmaнaX parama-pautraх щakti-ttray-оpanata-rаjya-sampadо Vаsiштha-kula-chandrama-
4 saх щrи-Mahаrаja-Prabhajaмna-varmmaнaх priya-puttras=sva-bala-vikkrаm-оpаrjjita-bhуr=nna-
5 ya-vinaya-sattva-sampann-аdhigata-yaща dеva-dvijаti-guru-jan-аnuddhyаna-saм-

Second Plate; First Side.

6 varddhita-mahimа parama-mаhещvarо mаtа-pitр-pаd-аnuddhyаtaх Kaliкg-аdhipatiщ=щrи-
7 Mahаrаj-Аnantаvarmmа Tеllavalli-viшayе Kiндеppa-grаmе sarvva-samavеtаn=kuтu-
8 mbinaх samаjгаpayaty=asti ешa grаmо=ёsmаbhir=Uttаrаyaне=ёsmat-puнy-аbhivрddha-
9 yе еtasmai Kauщika-sa-gоttrаya Taittiriya-sa-bramhachаriне Achaнтapura-bhоgi-
10 ka-Mаtрiщarmmaне а-chandr-аrka-tаraka-pratiштham=agrahаraм kрtvа sarvva-kara-bharaiх

Second Plate; Second Side.

11 parihрtya sampradattas=tad=еvam=avadhрt-аjгair=bhavadbhis=tad-аjг-аnuvidhаyibhiX pratyaha-
12 m=upasthаtavyam [||*] Brаhmaнеna ch=аtmanо=ёgrahаraх puttra-pauttrikam=upabhujyamа-
13 nо na kaiщchid=vallabha-durllabhair=upahantavyaх[||*] Аgаmibhir=api rаjarшi-
14 bhir=vрttam=anupаlayadbhir=yyath=аsya dharmma-prasavasy=аvichchhеdеna pravр-
15 ttir=bhbhavati tath=аnuштhеyaм еvaг=cha sati tatra tешаm=api dharmmен=аbhisamba-

Third Plate; First Side.

16 ndhas=smaryyatе || Bahubhir=vvasudhа dattа bahubhi[щ=ch=аnupаlitа | yasya yasya yadа bhуmis=ta-*]
17 sya tasya tadа phalaм [||*] Sva-dattаm=para-dattам vа yatnа[d=rakшa Yudhiштhira | mahим mahimatам щrештha dана-*]
18 ch=chhrеyо=ёnupаlanaм(m) [||*] Шaштhiм varшa-sahasrанi svarggе [mоdati bhуmidaх | аkшеptа ch=аnumantа cha tа*]-
19 ny=еva narakе vasеt [||*] Pravarddhamаnayа rаjya-щriyа rаjava . . . . . . . . [tra*]
20 yоdaщyаm=Uttarаyaне dharmma-pradаnaм kрtam=iti bhу . . . . . . .