34. Soro plates, year 5.
EI, XXIII, No. 32: 203 (N. G. Majumdar); IO, II, III, 131-132 (SR).




These copper plates, which are edited here for the first time, were unearthed at Badkhuri near Sоrо in the Balasore District of Orissa, and recently acquired by the Ravenshaw College Museum, Cuttack. Prof. N.C. Banerji of the College brought the plates to me for decipherment in March 1937, and as they had a thick incrustation of verdigris they were chemically treated in the Indian Museum, Archeological Section, I am obliged to the authorities of the Ravenshaw College Museum for the loan of thc plates, as also for the permission to edit them in this Journal.
These are four plates (A, B, C and D), representing four separate documents, each complete in itself. Their respective sizes are as follows:—A, 7 1/2" x 4"; B, 8" x 5 1/4"; C, 7 1/2" x 4 1/4" and D, 7 1/4" x 3 3/4". The plates are engraved on both sides, there being 19 lines of writing in A, 21 lines in B, 18 lines in C and 21 lines in D. Originally each plate had a seal attached to it at the left hand side, but the seals of plates A, B and C are missing. Plate D still retains the seal, but it is very much worn out and its details are completely obliterated.
D. — Plate of Mahаrаja Bhаnudatta; the year 5.



1 ом svasti [|*] Viraгjа-vаsakаn=mahаpratиhаra-mahаrаja-Bhаnudattaх kuщalи
2 Sarеph-аhаra-viшayе samupagatаn=varttamаna-bbaviшyan-mahаsа-
3 manta-mahаrаja-rаjaputtra-kumаrаmаty-оparika-viшayapati-
4 tadаyuktaka-dандavаsika-sthаnаntarikаn=anyамщ-cha chатa-bhaтa-jаtи-
5 yаn(yамs)=tad-viшaya-viniyuktakамщ=cha sa-mahаmahattara-vр(bр)hadbhоgika-
6 kутakоlas-аdy-adhikaraнаn=yathаrham=pуjayati mаnayati ch=аstu
7 vо viditam=еtad-viшaya-samva(mba)ddha-chira-khilа(la)-щуnya-Va(Ba)[hirvа]тaka-
8 grаmо=ёsmаbhiх щrи-Paramabhaттаraka-pаdаnаm=а-chandr-аrka-sama
9 kаlaм puнy-аbhivрddhayе Vatsa-sagоttra-Vаjasanеya-charaнеbhyaх
10 mahаmahattara-Priyamitrasvаmi-Vатamitrasvаmi-Dhruvamitrasvаmi-
11 Аruкgamitrasvаminаm=pratipаditaх sarvva-pида-varjitaх [|*]


12 tad=ешам samuchita-tаmra-paттa-dаnaм datvа(ttvа) bhuгjаnаnам na kеnachit
13 va(bа)dhа karaниyа щrи-Paramabhaттаraka-pаdаnак=gauravаch=ch=aiша dattiх
14 paripаlayitavy=еti samvat 5 Phalgu di 10 7 || uktaг=cha dharmma-
15. щаstrе [*] Va(Ba)hubhir=vvasudhа dattа rаjabhiх Sagar-аdibbiх[|*] yasya
16 yasya yadа bhуmiх(mis=)tasya tasya tadа phalaм(lam) ||[1*] Mа bhуd=aphala-шa(щa)-
17 кkа vaх para-datt=еti pаrthivах[ *] sva-dаnаt=phalam=аnantyaм para-dаn-а-
18 nupаlanaм(nam) || [2*] Sva-dattам para-dattаm=vа yо harеta vasundharаm [|*]
19 sa viштhаyам kрmir=bhуtvа pitрbhiх saha pachyatе=ti || [3*] likhitaм
20 sаndhivigrahik-Аruнadattеna tаpitaм pедаpаlaka-Prati-
21 штhitachandrен=еti ||