38. Pиparдуlа (Raipur District, Madhya Pradesh) copper-plate of Narendra, RY. 3
IHQ, xix, 139-46 and plates (D.C. Sircar and L.P. Pandeya Sarma); ibid., 358-59 (S.P. Chaturvedi); ibid., xx, 82-83 (D.C. Sircar), A.M. Sastri, Inscriptions of Щarabhapurиyas, Pандuvaмщins and Somavaмщins, New Delhi, 1995, (further AMS) I: I.




Language: Sanskrit. In prose except the usual benedictory and imprecatory stanzas at the end and the legend on the seal.
Metre: Verses 1-3: Anuштubh.
Script: Box-headed variety of the Central Indian alphabet.
Date: Regnal Year 3, Mаrgaщira 10. First half of the sixth century A.D.
Plates 5 1/4" long and 3 1/2" broad.
The seal is circular with a diameter of about 2-4/5". It is partitioned into two halves by a couple of horizontal lines in the middle. The upper half contains the representation of the motif of Abhiseka-Lakшmи, with the goddess Lakшmи standing in a frontal position, flanked by an elephant on each side pouring water over her from pitchers held in their trunks. The lower half contains the legend in the Anuштubh metre. As the seal has not been reproduced by the original editors and I have not been able to see the original plates, the reading of the legend as given by Sircar and Pandeya Sarma is reproduced here. The description of the seal is also based on their account given by them. (AMS)


First Plate

1 siddham [|*] щarabhapurаn-mahаrаja-щrи-Narеndraх
2 nandapura-bhоgиya-щarkarаpadrakе brаhmaна-
3 dиn=prativаsi-kuтumbinо bоdhayati
4 ешa grаmо rаhudеvеna svapuнyаbhivрddha-
5 yе brаhmaнa-vаjasanеya-аtrеya-sagоtra-

Second Plate: First Side

6 svаmippаya tаmbra(mra)-щаsanеnаtisршто mayа-
7 pi ca a-cатa-bhaтa-prаvещya ity-anumоditо
8 yatо bhavadbhir-asya yathа-kаlaм mеya-
9 hiraнy-аdиnам pratyаyаnаm-upanayaх
10 karttavyaх [|] bhaviшyataщ=ca bhоgapatиn-abhinandayati

Second Plate : Second Side

11 pуrvadattеr-anupаlanаcchrеyasа sambandhaх а-
12 cchеdаcca pratyapаya ity-anuprapaщyadbhir-bhavаd=bha-
13 rasya grаmasy-аnupаlanaм karttavyam [|*]
14 vyаsagиtаv=atra щlоkаv=udаharanti | pуrvva-
15 dattам dvijаtibhyо yatnаd=rakшa Yudhiштhira [|*]

Third Plate

16 mahим mahиmatам щrештha dаnаc=chrеyо=ёnupаlanam [||1||*]
17 шaштiм varшa-sahasrанi svarggе vasati bhуmidaх [|*]
18 аcchеttа c=аnumantа ca tаny=еva narakе
19 vasе[t ||2||*] pravarddhamаna-tрi(tр)tиyavarшasya mаrggaщi-
20 ra-mаsadivasе daщamе [|*] utkиrнна щrиdattеn=еti |[*]


1 Khaдga-dhаrа-jita-bhuvaх щara[bhаt=prа]pta-janmanaх [|*]
2 nрpatещ=щrи-Narеndrasya щаsanaм ripu-щаsina[х] [||3*]