54. Mallar (Bilaspur dist., M.P.) copper-plates of Pravararаja (II). R.Y.3 Pauшa di. 2
ARIE, 1958-59, 2 and 26. No. A-7; JIH. Vol. XXXVII (1959), pp. 261-66 & Pls. (B. C. Jain); Ind. Arch., A Review, 1958-59, p. 60, No. 24, Second set; IE.AR. 1958-59, p. 26, No. 7, App. A; EI. Vol. XXXIV (1961-62), pp. 51-52 & Pls. No. 10 (G. Bhattacharya); AMS, I: XVI.




This set of copper plates [This is No. A 7 of A.R. Ep., 1958-59.] was discovered along with three other grants of the Щarabhapurиyas at the village of Mallаr, about 16 miles from Bilaspur in Madhya Pradesh. The other inscriptions are already published in the pages of this journal. [For the other three inscriptions, see above, pp. 28 ff.; 47 ff.; Vol. XXXIII, pp. 155 ff.]
The set consists of three rectangular plates each measuring approximately 6-9 inches in length, 3-5 inches in height and .1 inch in thickness. There is a square hole about the centre of the left margin on each plate for the seal-ring to pass through. The rims of the p'ates are thick-ened and slightly raised for the protection of the writing. The seal attached to the ring holding the plates together resembles that found with the Тhаkurdiyа plates [Above. Vol. XXII, pp. 15 ff. and Plates.] issued by the donor of the charter under study. The three plates together weigh 62 tolas while the seal with the ring weighs 30 tolas. There are altogether 24 lines of writing, the inner sides of the first and third plates and the obverse of the second having each 6 lines and the reverse of the second plate and the outer side of the third respectively 5 lines and 1 line only. As in a few other inscriptions [Cf. above, Vol. XXXI, pp. 101 ff. and Plate.] of the family, the last line recording the name of the engraver is incised about the middle of the reverse of the plate. The characters belong to the box-headed alphabet of Central India is found in most of the records of the Щarabhapurиya family and the language of the inscription is Sanskrit. (G. Bhattacharya)
Language: Sanskrit. In prose with the exception of the customary benedictive and imprecatory verses at the end and the legend on the seal.
Metres: Verse 1: Vasantatilakа; Verse 2: Indravajrа; Verses 3-6: Anuштubh.
Script: Box-headed variety of the Central Indian alphabet.
Date: Regnal Year 3, Pauшa 2. Later half of the sixth century A.D.
Plates about 6-9" long and 3-5" broad. The holes for the passage of the ring in the margin on the left are square. The rims of the plates are thickened and slightly raised. (AMS)


First Plate

1 Siddham svasti [|*] Щrиpurаdvи(d=vi)kram-оpanata-sаmaм(ma)nta-makuтa-cудаmaнi-prabhа-
2 prasеk-аmbu-dhauta-pаda-yugalо ripu-vilаsinи-sиmaм(ma)nt-оddharaнa-hе-
3 tu-vasur-vvasudhа-gо-pradaх paramabhаgavatо mаtа-pitр-pаd-аnu-
4 ddhyаtaщ=щrи-Mahа-Pravararаjaх Щaкkhacakrа-bhоgi(gи)ya-Mitra-grаmakе pra-
5 tivаsina[х] samаjгаpayati [|*] viditam=astu vо yath=аsmаbhir=ayaм grа-
6 maх Tр(Tri)daщapati-sadana-sukha-pratiштhа-karо yаvad=ravi-щaщi-tаrа-

Second Plate, First Side

7 kiraнa-pratihata-ghоr-аndhakаraм jagad=avatiштhatе tаvad=upabhоgyaх
8 sa-nidhis=s-оpanidhir=a-cатa-bhaтa-prаvещyaх sarvva-kara-visarjjitaх mа-
9 tа-pitrоr=аt[ma]naщ-ca puнy-аbhivрddhayе Bhаradvаja-sagоtra-va(ba)hvрca-Dаmоda-
10 ragaнa-putra-Щubhacandrasvаminе tаmbra(mra)-щаsanеn=аtisrи(sр)штaх [|*]
11 tе yуyam=еvam=upalabhy=аjга-щravaнa-vidhеyа bhуtvа yath-оcita-bhоga-
12 bhаgam=upanayanаssa(ssu)kha[м*] prativatsyatha [|*] bhaviшyataщ=[ca] bhу-

Second Plate, Second Side

13 mipаlаn=anudarщayati [|*] Dаnаd=viщiштam=anupаlanajaм шu(pu)rана
14 dharmmешu niщcita-dhiyaЫ pravadaмtti dharmma[m |*] tasmа[d*]=dvijаya щu(su)-viшu(щu)ddha-kula-
15 щrutаya dattа[м] bhuvaм bhavatu vо matir=еva gоptu[m*] ||1 tad=bhavadbhir=apy=е[ша]
16 dattir=anupаlayitavyа [|*] Vyаsa-gиtамщ=ca щlоkаn=udаharaм(ra)nti [|*] A-
17 gnеr=apatyaм prathamaм suvarннa[м] bhуr=vvaiшнavи sуryya-sutащ=ca gаvaх [|*] [dattа]-

Third Plate, First Side

18 [s=tra]yas=tеna bhavaм(va)nti lоkа yaх kагcanaм gаг=ca mahиг=ca dadyаt [||*2] Шaшти(штi)-
19 varшa-saм(sa)hasrанi svarggе mоdati bhуmidaх [|*] аcchеttа c=аnumantа ca tа-
20 ny=еva narakе vasеt [||*3] Bahubhir=vvasudhа dattа rаjabhis=Sagar-аdi-
21 bhiх [|*] yasya yasya yadа bhуmi[s*]=tasya tasya tadа phalaм(lam) [||*4] Sva-dattа[м] pa-
22 ra-[dattам] vа yatnаd=rakшa Yudhiштhira [|*] mahи[м*] mahi hi matам щrештha dаnаc-chrеyо=
23 nupаlanam=iti ||5 pravarddhamаna-vijaya-saм[va]tu(vat) 3 Pauшa-dina 2 [|*]

Third Plate, Second Side

24 utkиrннaм Gоlasiкghе(siмhе)na [|*]


1. Mаnamаtra-sutasy=еdaм sva-bhuj-оpаrjjita-[kш]itе[х] [|*]
2. щrиmat-Pravararаjasya щаsanaм щatru-ща[sa]na[м](nam ||)