Commentaries and Variants
L.1 Corrected Vaijayantyаm(ntyам) only in Gai publication, Gopal read:
L.3 Corrected pаra(ga*) only in Gai publication.
L.5 Gopal read: caturtthaх.
L.6 Gopal read: Paurннamаsi anay=аnupуrvy-аnaika-.
L.8 Gopal read: -vivеchana-viniviштa-.
L.10 Gai read: dakшau.
L.11 Gopal read: dрдha, Gai read satvaх.
L.13 Gai in notes to -kumuda: between the letters ku asnd mu an unnecessary da is engraved
and then erased.
L.15 Gopal read: щayan=acchаdan.
L.21 Corrected (ё*) only in Gai publication, Gopal read: -prоkta sad.
L.22 Gopal read: -saкgh=.
L.23 Gopal read: dеva-bhаgа, Gai read:-dhаnya dеva-pуjа bali-charu-, Gopal reading
is better.
L.24 Gopal read: оpayоgаya.
L.25 Corrected (ё*) only in Gai publication.