Commentaries and variants.
L.1: Gai in notes: Siddham written on the left margin.
L.3: Gopal read puнyai and nirupadravam.
L.5: Gopal read: praviштa.
L.7: Gopal read only Phаlguнa.
L.8: Gopal read: Simhasеnа.
L.10. Gopal read: kriyаrtthaм.
L.11. Gai in notes: Fleet gives an alternative reading for Suddi as kлi with question
mark, Gopal read: Vasunta-vатikам.
L.13: Gopal read: nyаyat=оbhirakшati, Gai nyаyatоbhirakшati.
L.17: Gopal read: phalam=iti.
L.18: Gopal read: yapi as yati.
L.19: Gopal read: nam=оrhatе.