Commentaries and variants.
L.1: Gai in notes: siddham is written in the margin opposite line 2; Gopal and Dikshit
start line from next word; Dikshit, Gai in notes: read makuтa as mukuтa, usual in K.
grants; Gopal read: viщvешаг=jaga-[ta]m=patiх.
L.2: Gopal read: gaнаnаm=uddhyаt=abhiшiktаnам; Dikshit:
L.4: Gopal read: janmаntar=[о].
L.5: Gopal read: vipula-puнya and sаkшаd=iva Dharma.
L.6: Gopal read: di[ga]ntar and kиrttiв.
L.7: Gopal read: щuщrушаparaв and mahещvaraщ.
L.8: Viшupе or Tulа-Saкkrаnti (Autumnal Equinox) from Dikshit publ. it may be either
507, or 22 September 526, or 21 September 545 AD (EI, XIV, p.165). Dikshit accept 545, and
570 as the date of destroying Kadambas by Chalukyas.
L.9: Gopal read: [щarmmе]bhyaх and Vaikuнтha (Gai in note: read vaikuнтha); Gopal
and Dikshir read -Droнa as -[M*]aндana.
L.12: Gopal read: Kоtsa-gоtrеbhyaх.
L.13: Gopal read: Щrаvi[штha].
L.14: Corrected yya(ryyа) only by Gai, Dikshit read: Caуliya; Gopal: Vanaщarmma[но].
L.16: Gopal read: sa-pаnиyan=Tеdаva.
L.17: Gopal read: y=оsy and rakшi[tа ca pu]нyаphala.
L.21: Gopal read: Hariha[ra-Hi]raнyagarbhеbhyaх; Dikshit: Hi]raнya-gabhеbhyao.