Commentaries and Variants
L.1 Word siddham engraved in the left margin between line one and two (Gai), Gopal has
-vichchhurita-dyutimaj-jaтаbhаrа-, the akшara bр in bрhad has not superscript r
(Kielhorn), Gopal has: bрihad-anvaya-vy[о]ma-chandramах.
L.2 From Gopal and Kielhorn reading, Gai has -guнеndvaмvaщu- ; Kielhorn (EI,VIII, 34)
look for try-аrшa-vartman as "practically equivalent to svаdhyаya-charchаpаra
(charcika, e t.c.)" in the terms pratikрta-svаdhyаya-charchаpаra from other
Kadamba inscriptions (but compare "tрyаrшеya
акgirasaм-varhaшa(spada)-yauvanащvе" in Buguda plates, EI, III,
p.41-46; paгcharшi-pravar-аnupravarаya in Nivina plates, EI, XXI,
p. 34-41, -paгcаrшеya- in Ragolu plates of Щaktivarman, EI, XII, p.1-4.),
Gopal has vividha-yajг-аvabhрitha-puнy-аbhiшеkаrdra-, read mуrdha-jam (DNL),
Gopal has аgni sоmapam, Kielhorn to -шaдvidh-аddhyеya-: originally -ddhyеyaм have
been engraved, Gopal has -nаnar dyamаn instead nаnardyamаn,
L.3 As read by Kielhorn and Gai, Gopal has sanаmnya.
L.4 Guruна - as Gopal and Kielhorn, Gai has guruнам; Gai, Kielhorn in notes to
nnikhilaм: read nikhilaм; Gopal and Kielhorn has щаkhаm- instead щаstram=.
L.5 To udvavarha - originally - udvavarhe have been engraved (Kielhorn), read addhyuvаsaX
as Gai (Gopal has addhyuvаsa), Gopal has аdadakarаn instead аdadе karаn=, Gai has
bhrukuти- instead bhрkuти.
L.6 Gopal has svapratijnа pаraн, viшama-[d]ещa, щyеnavat=tаdа, Gopal and
Kielhorn has bhujakhaдgamаttra instead bhujakhaкgamаttra, read -[vya] as Gopal and
Kielhorn, Gai has [vyu],
L.7 Gopal has hаniщ=щrеyas=ity=uktvа instead hаniщ=щrеyasи=ty=uktа, (|*) before
prеhar- only in Gai publication.
L.8 Gopal has оddh[u]ra-prа[м]щu-; оtk[р]iштa
sita-chаmar-оddh[у]ta-щеkharaх; tat=s[u]taх; -mukhyas=s[v]ayaм;
L.9 Gopal has dviшa[м].
L.10 This is dvandva = mukhya and dvijа (DNL);
L.11 Gopal has vрikшa-r[а*]jiм; chchаyа-sеvа, bhуm[iм] .
L.12 Read -samuchchayешu(ccayешu) as Gopal and Kielhorn, Gai has samucchrayешu;
Gopal has pаrtthiva-kul- .
L.13 Read =аdi-dеvasya as Kielhorn and Gopal, Gai has dеvasyaм; read
=sеvitе-vividha-niyama-hоma as Kielhorn and Gopal, Gai has =sеvitе vividha-niyama-hо
ma-; Gai has brаhmaнai(х*), which is wrong; Gopal: =brаh[m]aнai .
L.14 Kielhorn: read аbhy-arccita instead =аbhy-arccitе; Gopal has
bhуpatiх=kаrayаmаsa, tanaya[s]ya.