48. Kauvatal (Raigadh District, Madhya Pradesh) Plates.
IHQ. Vol. XXI (1945), pp. 294-95 & Pl. (L. P. Pandey), ibid., Vol. XXII (1946), pp.
62-63 (D. C. Sircar); Ancient India, No. 5, p. 49; IE.AR. 1945-46, p. 12, No. 53, App. A
& Pl.; EI. Vol. XXXI (1955-56), pp. 314-16 (A. N. Lahiri); Ajay Mitra Shastri, Studies
in Indian Epigraphy, iii, 152-53; AMS, I:XII.
[The inscribed faces of the plates and the seal attached to the record
have been illustrated in the Annual Report on Indian Epigraphy, 1945-46, Plate facing p.
12.-Ed.]These copper plates [The inscription was first noticed by Pandit Pandeya in IHQ,
1945, pp. 294-95, and discussed by Dr. D. C. Sircar in the same journal, 1946, pp. 62-63.
They were also noticed in Ancient India, No. 5, p.49, and in A.R.Ep., 1945-46, p. 12, No.
53 of App. A, and Plate.] were received from Pandit Lochan Prasad Pandeya, Secretary,
Mahakosal Historical Society, Raigarh, who seems to have secured them from a gentleman
residing at Kauvatal in the old Sarangarh State. The set consists of three rectangular
plates, each measuring about 7.4" X 4.2". They are strung together on a circular
copper ring, the thickness and diameter of which are .6" and 3.375"
respectively. The ring passes through a square hole bored in the middle of the left margin
at a distance of about 1.5" from the left edge. The square hole measures .5" on
one of its sides. The inner side of the first plate and both sides of the remaining two
plates contain writing. There are altogether 25 lines. Each, of the first four inscribed
faces of the plates has six lines of writing, while the fifth has only one line. The seal
soldered to the ring is 3" in diameter. It has a circular border and is divided in
almost equal halves by two straight lines. In the upper half Lakshmи stands facing front
on a lotus with her right hand bent upwards and the left hand hanging downwards; on her
two sides are two elephants pouring water over her; and in the left and right fields are a
chakra and a щaкkha respectively. In the lower half is the legend in two lines, below
which there is the representation of what looks like a pуrнa-kumbha. The three plates
weigh 75 tolas, while the seal together with its ring weighs 25 tolas. The characters are
of the box-headed variety of what Fleet calls the 'Central India Alphabet.
(A. N. Lahiri)
Language: Sanskrit. In prose with the exception of a few imprecatory and benedictory
verses and the legend on the seal.
Metres: Verse 1: Vasantatilaka; Verse 2: Indravajrd; Verses 3-6: Anuffubh.
Script: Box-headed variety of the Central Indian alphabet.
Date: Regnal Year 7, Margasirsa 10. Latter half of the sixth century A.D.
The plates are 7-4" long and 4-2" broad.
The seal is circular, its diameter being 3". Having a circular border, it is divided
into two parts by a couple of horizontal lines in the middle. In the upper half we have
the figure of Gaja-Lakшmи as described above, and a wheel (cakra) and a conch-shell
(щaкkha) in the left and right fields respectively. The lower half has an Anuштubh
stanza in two lines and below it what looks like a pуrнa-kumbha.
Kram-аdhigata-rаjyasya vikram-оtkhаta-vidviшa[х] [|*] щrиmat-Sudеvarаjasya sthiraм jagati щаsanaм(nam ||)
First Plate
1 siddhaм [|*] svasti [|*]
2 mbu-dhauta-pаda-yugalо
3 gо-pradaх paramabhаgavatо mаtа-pitр-pаd-аnuddhyаtaх
4 щrи-Mahа-Sudеvarаjaх Hakirи-bhоgиya-Sunikаyам prativаsi-
5 nas=samаjгаpayati | Viditam=astu vо yath=аsmаbhir=ayaм grаmaх
6 pati-sadana-sukha-pratiштhаkarо yаvad=ravi-щaщi-tаrа-kiraнa-pratihata-
Second Plate, First Side
7 ghоr-аndhakаraм jagad=avatiштhatе tаvad=upabhоgyaх
8 r=a-cатa-bhaтa-pravещyaх sarvva-kara-visarjja(rjji)taх
9 puнy-аbhivрddhayе Pаrаsa(щa)ra-gоtrаya Vаjasanеyinе Bhaттa-Pura-
10 da(nda)ra-svаminе tаmbra(mra)-щаsanеn=аtisрштaх [|*] tе yуyam=еvam=upa-
11 labhyа(bhya) аjга-щravaнa-vidhеyа bhуtvа yath-оcitaм
12 ntaх sukha[м*] prativatsyatha [|*] bhaviщya(шya)taщ=ca bhуmipаlаn=anudarщayati
Second Plate, Second Side
13. dаnаd=viщiштam=anupаlanajaм purана dharmmешu
14. pravadanti dharmmaм(rmmam) [|*] tasmа[d*]=dvijаya suviшu(щu)ddha-kula-щrutаya
15. bhuvaм bhavatu vо matir=еva gоptuм[ptum*] [||1||]
tad=bhavadbhir=apy=еща(еша) dattir=anupаlayi-
16. tavyа [||*] Vyаsa-gиtамщ=c-аtra щlоkаn=udаharanti [|*] Agnеr=apatyaм
17. prathamaм suvarннaм bhуr=vvaiшнavи sуryya-sutащ=ca gаvaх [|*]
18. na bhavaм(va)nti lоkа yaшkа(yaX=kа)гcanа(naм) gаг-ca mahим-ca dadyаt
[||*] шaшти(штi)-varшa-
Third Plate, First Side
19 sahasrанi svarggе mоdati bhуmidaх [|*] аcchеttа c=аnumantа
ca tаny=еva
20 narakе vasеt [||3||*] Bahubhir=vvasudhа dattа rаjabhiх Sagar-аdibhi[х|*] yasya
21 sya yadа bhуmis=tasya tasya tadа phalaм(lam) [||4||] Svadattа[м*] paradattа[м*]
vа yatnа-
22 d=rakшa Yudhiштhira [|*] mahи[м*] mahi(hи)matам щrештha
23 m=iti(m ||5|| iti) | sarvvаdhikаrаdhikрta-щrи-mahаsаmaм(ma)nta
24 щ=c-аtra dуtakaх [|*] pravarddhamаna-vijaya-sa(saм)vva(va)tsara 7
Mаrg[g]aщиrшa-di 10 [||*]
Third Plate, Second Side,
25 U[t*]kиrннaм Gоlasiкghеna[|]