53. Thakurdiya (Raigarh District, Madhya Pradesh) copper-plates of
Mahа-Pravararаja (II).
Hira Lal, ICPB, errata, p. 1; EI. Vol. XXII (1933-34), pp. 15-23 & Pl. (V. V.
Mirashi); JAHRS. Vol. IX (1934), pt. II, pp. 29-32 (L. P. Pandey Sharma); AMS, I : XV.
These plates were discovered in November 1931 at Thаkurdiyа, a village
six miles from Sаraкgarh, the chief town of a feudatory state of the same name in
Chhattиsgarh, C. P. They were kindly sent to me in January 1933, by Mr. R. D. Naik, B.A.,
LL.B., the Diwаn of Sаraкgarh at the instance of Mr. L. P. Pandeya, Honorary Secretary
of the Mahаkоsala Historical Society. They are now in the possession of the Chief of
Sаraкgarh, who has kindly permitted me to edit them.
They are three copper-plates each measuring 3-6" by 7-1". The first and the
third are inscribed on one side only, while the second, which is somewhat thicker, is
inscribed on both the sides. The edges of the plates are neither fashioned thicker, nor
raised into rims. About 1" from the middle of the proper right margin each plate has
a roundish hole about 1/2" in diameter for the ring on which, the plates are strung.
The ends of this ring, which is 8" in thickness and 3-2" in diameter, were
secured in a circular seal of bronze 3-2" in diameter. About a quarter of the lower
portion of the seal is broken off, but the emblem and the legend on it are intact. The
ring was not eut wheft the plates were sent to me. The weight of the three plates is 70
tolas and that of the seal with the ring is 49 tolas.
The plates were much corroded when first found, but have since been cleaned by the
Archaeological Section of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. The text of this inscription is,
with a few exceptions, practically identical with that of the other inscriptions of the
dynasty and there is no uncertainty in its reading. The symbol on the seal also closely
resembles that on the other seals of the dynasty. It has already been described by Dr.
Fleet [CII., Vol. III. pp. 191 and 196.] and Dr. Sten Konow [Above, Vol. IX, p. 171.]. The
concave and slightly countersunk surface of the seal is divided by two horizontal parallel
lines into two equal parts. The upper half contains in relief the figure of Lakшmи with
a halo surrounding her face, standing on a lotus and facing full front. She holds a lotus
in her right hand and something circular in her left. On each side of her there is an
elephant standing on a lotus, and holding a pot in his uplifted trunk to pour water on the
head of the goddess. In the right as well as the left corner there is a water lily. [In
the seals described by Dr. Fleet and Dr. Konow there is a щaмkha in the proper left
corner.] The lowet half of the seal contains the legend in verse deciphered below.
(V.V. Mirashi)
Language: Sanskrit. In prose but for the customary benedictory and imprecatory verses at
the end and the legend on the seal.
Metres: Verse 1: Vasantatitakа; Verse 2: Indravajrа: Verses 3-6; Anuштubh.
Script: Box-headed variety of the Central Indian alphabet
Date: Regnal Year 3, Mаrgaщиrшa 2. Latter half of the sixth century AD.
The plates are 7-1" long and 3-6" broad. (AMS)
The Seal.
1 Mаnamаtra-[su]ta[sy=е]daм sva-[bhu]j-оpаrjjita-kшitех [|*]
2 [щrи]mat-Pravararаjasya щаsana[м*] щatru-щаsana[м*] [||*] 6
First Plate.
1 siddhaм [|*] svasti [|*]
2 sеkам(k-а)mbu-dhauta-pаda-yugalо ripu-vilаsinи-sиmaм(ma)nt-оddharaнa-hеtuх
3 r-vvasu-vasudhа-gо-pradaх paramabhаgavatо mам(mа)tа-pitр-pаd-аnudhyаtaх
4 щrи-Mahа-Pravararаjaх tuндаrаштriy-ашадhakе prativаsinaх samаjга-
5 payati [|*] viditam=astu vо yath=аsmаbhir=ayaм grаmaх(ma)s-tridaщapati-sadana-
6 sukha-pratiштhа-karо
Second Plate; First Side.
7 ra(raм) jagad=avatiштhatе tаvad=upabhоgyaх sa-nidhiх
8 щyaх sarvva-kara-visarjjitaх mаtа-pitrоr=аtmanaщ-ca punyа(нy-а)bhivрddhayе
9 ra-sagоtrаya vаjasanеyи(yi)nе bhaттakapurandarasvаminе tаmbra(mra)-ща-
10 sanеn=аtisri(sр)штa[х |*] tе yуyam=еvam=upalabhya аjга-щravaнa-vidhеyа
11 bhуtvа yath-оcitaм bhоga-bhаgam=upanta sukhaм prativatsyatha [|*]
bhaviшyataщ=ca bhу-
12 mipаlаn=anudariщayati [|*] dаnаd=viщiштam=anupаlanajaм purана
Second Plate; Second Side.
13 dharmmешu niщcita-dhiyaх pravadanti dharmmaм [|*] tasmаd-vijаya
14 la-щrutаya dattам bhuvaм bhavatu vо matir=еva gоptuм [||*1]
tad=bhavadbhir=apy=aша datti-
15 r=anupаlayitavyа [|*] Vyаsa-gиtамщ=ca щlоkаn=udаharanti [|*] Agnеr=apatyaм
16 thamaм suvarннaм bhуr=vvaiшнavи sуryya-sutащ=ca gаvaх [|*]
17 na bhavaмnti lоkа yaх kагcanaм gаг=ca mahиг=ca dadyаt [||*2] шaшти
18 hasrанi svarggе mоdati bhуmidaх [|*] аcchеttа c=аnumaмntа ca tаny=еva
Third Plate.
19 kе vasеt [||*3 bahubhir=vvasudhа dattа
rаjabhi[х*]=sagar-аdibhiх [|*] yasya ya-
20 sya yadа bhуmita(s=ta)sya tasya tadа phalaм [||*4] sva-dattам para-dattаvvам
21 d=rakшa Yudhiштhira [|*] mahо mahimatам щrештha dаnаc-chrеyо=ёnupаla-
22 nam=iti ||5 samukhаjгayа pravarddhamаna-vijaya-saмvvatsara 3 mаrgga-
23 щиrшa di 2 ukirннaм щиlasiкghеna ||