
L. 3. (For [bra]аhmaнa) The letter va seems to be a correction from pa. (YG) [The plate reads samahattaм(tta)r[а]n, n being incised below rа.—Ed.]
L. 6. (For cаcapи(pi) ) Superfluous. (YG) [Or perhaps -apica is meant.—Ed.]
L. 8. (For dеvadattаryyasya) da is added below the line by way of interlineation. The two horizontal lines in the margin may be noticed.(YG)
L. 10. SR has аtmanеvamаya(ryya)
L. 12. SR has аcandratаrakayа
L. 13. SR has аvahaх,
L. 14. (For kiгcid) ka is engraved below the line.(YG)
L. 17. SR not read kiгcit.
L. 19. (For madhukalatikа) The kа of latikа is entered below the line.(YG)
L. 20. (For yаcai) yа is written above the line. Here follows a verse in the Аryа metre.(YG)
L. 21. (For bhilikhitaх) [A letter like sа seems to be written below the symbol for bhi, apparently, as a correction.—Ed.]
L. 23. The reading putrанам is not quite certain; but the traces of the damaged letters favour the reading aштанаmа-at any rate.(YG) [Then aштанаm would require correction. Cf. reading in L.7 above.—Ed.] [The correct reading seems to be kа[li]kama[vi]cаlyaм bhavatviti.—Ed.] SR has bhavitavyatviti.
L. 26. The engraver seems to have inserted a da above dhyаya so as to make it ddhyаya.(YG)