L. 3. Read: BrаhmaнЯоttarаn. (DS) SR has Brаhmaнеnta(ta)rаn in notes:
L. 4. (For yуyam) The Rithapur inscription has also this reading; but the reading
intended seems to be yath=аyam.-. (For Ravirаryyаya) the third akшara read rа has
above it the superscript r together with the sign for а. Possibly the engraver at first
omitted rа and began to incise the next akшara, ryyа, but noticed the mistake only
after the incision of the upper part of it. After this (Ravidattаryyаya) name, the upper
part of a letter, which may be an ill-formed cha is visible. Below this and the preceding
letter, there are traces of three akшaras whicli look like mаttarа. Whether this is
meant for a correction in the line or for the insertion of a new name in the list of the
donees cannot be satisfactorily determined.(DS)
L. 5. SR has udakapуrvva[kaм*] datta
L. 6. SR has a(а)-vahaх ; =vaktavyах(vyam); bhavadbhiх.
L. 7. SR has -аrаmbhех(mbhaiх)
L. 8. SR has hiraнy-аyaщ-cha
L. 10. SR not read =pral[о]bhаd=; he has mahаpаtaka(kai)-yu(ryu)ktaх
L. 11. Read -pаtakair=yuktaх.(DS)
L. 12. Read vasеt [2*] iti. (DS) SR has аkшеptа, instead vasavati read
L. 13. The figure (7) has been so formed as to look like the letter rе. Read mаsi. The
first two akшaras of the following word (amаvаsyam) have cursive form. Read
mukh-аjгaptеna.(DS) [The form аjгаptеna is also correct. See above, Vol. XXVII, p.
44, n. 6. — Ed.] SR has -mаsa(si) amаvаsyaм
L. 14. For Rahasyаdhikрtеna, the Rithapur inscription has rahasi niyuktеna. There is a
mark (||) indicating the end at this place.(DS)