L. 3. The visarga is indicated by two horizontal strokes instead of the usual dots. AMS read gо-prada. The visarga here as well in lines 4 and 11 and once in line 17 below is indicated by two horizontal strokes. Elsewhere it is expressed by a couple of dots placed one above the other as at present.
L. 4. AMS: The visarga, which is indicated by two minute horizontal strokes placed one above the other, has escaped Sircar's notice. It is, however, unnecessary. Alternatively, the reduplication of the letters that follows would be superfluous.
L. 5. The punctuation mark is indicated by a visarga sign.
L. 7. Originally dhи (instead dhi) was engraved. AMS: Originally the akshara dhи was engraved, but later the dot inside the circle indicating the length of the medial was cancelled.
L. 9. Correctly -svаminе. But the sixth case-ending may have been used for the Brаhmaнa having paid some money for the purchase of the village.
L. 10. There is here an unnecessary sign made of two horizontal strokes placed one above the other. This may be regarded as a redundant visarga rather than a mark of punctuation. We should better have tad instead of tе in such contexts. AMS (for аti[s]рштas=tе) Read -sрштas=tе. Alternatively sрштaх tе . As suggested by Sircar (ibid., 157, fn. 7), in such contexts in this as well as other records tad would be a better expression than te which is used wrongly.
L. 11. Visarga is written here (taх) with two horizontal strokes. AMS read yath-оcitav bhоga-bhаgam=upanayaмttaх(yantaх)
L. 12. The punctuation is indicated (twice) by a horizontal stroke with one dot above and another below.
L. 13. Read purана; read dharmmam. There appear to be an anusvаra sign above rmma and the faint trace of a final m to its right.
L. 15. The letters matir=еva gоptuм | had been engraved here originally for a second time and were afterwards rubbed off.
L. 16. The mark of punctuation is indicated by a horizontal stroke with one dot above and another below. The second mark of punctuation has been written here with two horizontal strokes.
L. 17. There is here an unnecessary mark of punctuation written with two horizontal strokes. Visarga is written here with two horizontal strokes.
L. 18. (For dadyа[t]) There is a faint trace of t in the original. AMS read bhavaмtti(vanti)
L. 20. AMS read rаjaх(ja)bhis=Sa-
L. 22. The mark of punctuation is indicated by a horizontal stroke with one dot above and another below. Read -siмhеna.
L. 23. Read -vatsarах; divasах.