L. 1. The word makuтa does not occur in the text of the other grants of Jayarаja.
L. 2. (Foe аmbu-dhauta) the other grants of Jayarаja have -аmbubhir=dhauta. (For vilаsinи)The medial sign for а is attached to the right lower part of the letter l.
L. 4. (For Jayarаjaх) Bhattacharya and Sivappa place visarga in the square bracket, but it is quite clear in the facsimile accompanying their article.
L. 5. The engraver first wrote samаjгаpayati and then corrected it to samаjгаpayaty=a-. Jayarаja's other grants have samаjгаpayati. The mark of punctuation (|) is unnecessary.
L. 8. Jayarаja's other grants have the name of the donoe after this (visarjjitо). Jayarаja's other grants have -аbhivрddhayе (instead аbhivрdhya(ddhy-a)rttha[м*]). Read hрtapragrаha.
L. 9. From this line upto line 23 the whole text is written on an erasure. Read -svаmи. The mark of punctuation (|) is unnecessary. Some space after the akshara hvр being occupied by the square hole for the ring, the letter ea is engraved slightly above the line. The mark of punctuation is superfluous. After bhоgika Bhattacharya and Sivappa read the aksharas have as forming part of this line, whereas these letters actually belong to the following line.
L. 10. Bhattacharya and Sivappa: bavр. After this, the space is blank with traces of the previous writing.
L. 11. The intended reading is -nаm=atisрштakо. But read Rudrasvаmи tаbhyаm=atisрштakaх. Omit bhуtvа. The use at plural suggests that the blank space preceding it was intended to contain the name of a third donee. Otherwise the employment of plural will have to be regarded as an error for the dual. (AMS)
L. 12. The visarga-like sign after this (ana(nu)mоditas) seems to belong to the original writing.
L. 13. Read -bhya tаbhyаm-.
L. 14. AMS: Bhatlacharya and Sivappa: -ntе.
L. 15. The mark of punctuation (|) is unnecessary.
L. 16. Read pravadanti. Owing to the existence of a partially beaten in subscript y below d, th word looks like pravadyaмnti. The mark of punctuation (|) is unnecessary.
L. 18. There is a sign after this (udaharanti), which no doubt belongs to the original writing.
L. 19. Read lokа. There are faint traces of two tetters after this, which belong to the original writing.
L. 25. Read utkиrннam=Achalasimhеna.
L. 26. Di stands for divasaх-. The end of the writing is indicated by six vertical strokes followed by a horizontal stroke.