
L. 1. (AMS for vikkram-о)The а-stroke of medial о is attached to the lower end of the right stroke of the letter m and the e-stroke on its top.
L. 2. (SK for -dhоta) Read -dhauta-. (AMS) In some early records of Jayarаja (I:V-VI) we have -mbubhirdhati-. But all the records of Jayaraja have -mbudhоta-. (For -vilаsinи-) The length of the medial i is indicated by a small vertical stroke attached to the base of the circle denoting medial i.
L. 3. (SK for -pitri-) Read -pitрi-. (For mаtа) The а sign is appended to the lower end of the right vertical of m.
L. 4. AMS: The visarga in -rаjaх is indicated by a couple of horizontal strokes. Jain: -navannakе-. Jain: ca tatprа-
L. 5. AMS: The mark of punctuation is indicated by two horizontal strokes exactly similar to those indicating visarga.
L. 6. (SK) The engraver originally wrote =аsmаbhir-aya-, but corrected it to =аsmаbhir-еta-. The gender in the following is wrong. (For tрidaщa) Read tri-. (AMS) Jain: -smаbhirеtatgrаma-: The engraver had originally inscribed -smаbhir-aya- but later corrected it into -smаbhir-еta-
L. 7. AMS:Jain: -rамdhakаraм.
L. 10. (AMS for yуyam=еvam=) There is a superfluous е-stroke attached to the akшara mu.
L. 9. (SK) Read -kauщika-.
L. 12. (SK) Read bhуmipаn-. Metre: Vasantatilaka.
L. 13. (SK) The нa in anupаlana- has been added below the line. Jain: dharmmam.
L. 17. (AMS for bhavanti) There is a superfluous dot in the circle indicating the medial i; Jain: yam-kагcanaм.
L. 16. (SK) Metre: Indravajrа.
L. 18. (SK) Metre: Щlоka.
L. 21. (SK) Metre: Щlоka. SK: =mahиmatаг=cchrештha; Jain: -m=mahиmatах
L. 22. (SK) Read savvatsara. AMS better read: -ёnupаlanam [||5||*] iti [|*]; read saмvatsara.
L. 23. Konow and Jain: Drонasiкghенa. Read Drонаsiмghенa.

Jain: saмbhуta-; -janmanaх.