L. 1. LP read: ом svasti [|*], ом expressed by a symbol. (LP); AMS (in
notes) Siddham expressed by a symbol. (For vikkramо) one part of the medial o is attached
to the top of m and the other part is formed by the elongation to the right of the
horizontal line of m.
L. 3. (For paramabhаgavatо) The engraver had begun to incise ma after pa, but later on
corrected it into ra. (LP)
L. 4. (For щщrи) The subscript r appears like the sign of medial р. (LP), LP read
L. 5. This (|) mark of punctuation is shown by two dots. (LP) Pandeya transcribes this
mark of punctuation, which consists of a couple of strokes, by a single daндa. (AMS)
L. 7. LP read -аndhakа[raм], in notes: The letter ra which was first omitted is written
below ja of jagad with a kаkapada sign and the anusvаra meant for ra is placed on kа.
The cross on ja shows that a syllable was omitted.; (AMS in notes) Ra, which was at first
omitted by oversight, is written below ja with a kаkapada mark (+) and the anusvаra,
which should have been placed over ra, is placed over kа. (For jagad-) There is a
kаkapada over ja indicating that something has to be inserted here. Actually its proper
place was over kа.
L. 8. тa in bhaтa is written below the line. The visarga (in visarjjitaх) is
L. 10. LP read: adhyarddhакщana (in notes: read adhyarddhамщеna);
L. 11. LP read yajгasvаmina(nau), in notes: read pratyaмщеna. Kha, which is faint in
the facsimile accompanying Pandeya's article, is quite clear in the facsimile given by
B.C. Jain.
L. 12. Pandeya reads -madhyandina-. But the medial а is clearly indicated by the downward
elongation of the right vertical of m, AMS reads -gоlasvаmi(mи),
(for еvaм): This word is unnecessary.(AMS). LP reads dаmasvаmi.
L. 13. in notes name read: pratyardhамщеna.
L. 14. (For anumоditaх) The medial i sign which was first engraved above taх by mistake
has been cancelled. Lp. read tе yуyam=.
L. 16. (After viщiштa) There are two small horizontal strokes here (LP), There is full
mark of punctuation here which is unnecessary. (AMS)
L. 18. Metre: Vasantatilakа. LP read gоpta[m].
L. 20. The sign of punctuation (||) here is superfluous.
L. 21. Metre: Indravajrа.
L. 23. LP read: datа(ttа).
L. 24. Metre: Anuштubh.
L. 25. The syllables dаnа which were omitted here have been incised below the line with
a kаkapada sign. Read --mahimatаг-, pаlanam || iti. Metre: Anuштubh. (LP). The
letters dаnа, which were omitted here, have been engraved below the line with a
kаkapada mark. There is a kаkapada sign before штha also. Its proper place was after
штha. (AMS)
L. 26. [I am inclined to read this symbol 8 as 7.-Ed. in EI] LP read 8 instead 7 and
Drонa[siмghе]na. AMS about date: Pandeya reads the figure as 8, but we feel inclined
to agree with N.P. Chakravarti in taking it as 7. See El, xxiii, 22, fn. 4.