L.1 The ornamental symbol representing Ом has been engraved at the
beginning of line 2. (RG). SR has Kuttura-grаmе
L.4 The letter na in аtmana had been originally passed over by the engraver and was
subsequently inserted at the foot ot the line; The letter ya of yaщо has been engraved
below the line, the connection being indicated by a little X mark at the top. (RG).
L.6 Word -щaщi-, which the scribe forgot to engrave, has been inserted at the top of the
line. (RG). Possible reading of name can be Elalusvаmin (SR)
L.12 Following the text of the Bрhatprоштhа grant, one might restore the rest of this
sentence as =anuщаsatаm=pravрttakam=idan=dаnaм
sad-dharmmam=anupaщyadbhir=ешо=grahаrо=nupаlyaх[|*] (RG).