No. 97. Тisтuкga

One of the two stones lying in the lawn of the primary school, east of the row of the bazar houses, in the village of Tistung. Together with that of Bhatuwal the two stones of Tistung form a class by themselves of which the contents are more or less similar. As the last line is completely damaged, the date symbols are missing. The same chakra flanked by щankhas adorns the top. The inscribed part is 54 cm long and 35 cm wide. (R).
Щrи-Mahаsаmanta-Амщuvarman from the Kailаsakутa palace Narapa(ti)kрta-maryyаda (Compare No. 70). the exemption of custom duties щulka-tаpana and others, pratimuktam.
DV 74; HJ 76; R. 71;


1. svasti naipаlebhyaх sakalajagad-visаrikиrttir-ana-
2. tivрtt-аryyamaryyаdа-setur-bhagavat-paщupati-bhaтта-
3. raka-pаdаnugрhиto bappa-pаdаnuddhyаtaх щrи-mahаsа-
4. mant-амщuvarmа kuщalи kuндa-щulka-tаpan-аdhikрtа-
5. n-purataх-kрtvа paщcima-dvаra-pratibaddha-viшaya-pa-
6. ti-tad-аyuktaka-щaulkika-gaulmikадик-kuщalam-аbhашya
7. samаjгаpayati viditam-bhavatu bhavatам yath-аsmа-
8. bhir-eшaм testuкga-grаmинаnаm loha-cаmara-mрga-
9. roma-kastуrikаkрta-tаmra-bhандаny-anirhаryyанy-avаsya
10. tad-anya-dravyанy-аdаy-opakray-аrttham-ito nirggacchatа-
11. m-prasаddhy-opakra[ya]г-c-аntaх pratiщatам щulka-tаpan-аdi-yathа-
12. deyam-pratimuktam-evaм-vedibhir-asmat-pratibaddha-jиvanai-
13. r-anyair-vvа na kaiщcid-apyayam-prasаdoёnyathа kаryyo yastv-e-
14. tаm-аjгаm-ativartty-аnyathа pravartiшyate tam-ahan-narapa-
15. [ti]kрta-maryyаdа-bhedinaм na marшayiшyаmi bhaviшyadbhi-
16. [r-api bhу]patibhiх sukрta-vipаk-opanata - - - - -
17. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


L. 11. R. omit [ya].