7. Tembуru plates, year 40
EI XXXVII, No. 57, p. 337-40 (G. S. Gai).
These copper plates were discovered in Tembуru village in Patapatnam
Taluk of Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh. Shri B. N. Shastri of Hyderabad, an
enthusiastic worker in the field of Andhra History and Culture, obtained them from Dr. G.
V. Sitapati and published in the Telugu Monthly Bhаrati, Vol. 44, Part 12 (December
1967), pp. 13 ff. When I visited Hyderabad in December 1968, Shri Shastri was kind enough
to hand over these plates to me for examination and study. The record is edited here from
the impressions taken under my supervision at Hyderabad. The plates are now deposited in
Navodaya Samiti Office at Hyderabad. I am thankful to Shri Shastri for placing the plates
at my disposal.
The set consists of three plates, each plate measuring 15 cm x 6.5 cm. At the left end
margin of each plate is a ring-hole, 1.2 cm in diameter, through which passes a ring, 12.5
cm in diameter. The ends of the ring are secured at the bottom of an oval seal measuring 7
cm x 5 cm. The depression of the seal bears in relief a legend in four lines which is
rather indistinct. We can, however, make out the letters '-Оmavarmmaнah' at the end. The
weight of the three plates is 440 gm while that of the ring with the seal is 880 gm. The
first and third plates are engraved on the inner sides only while the second plate
contains writing on both the sides. The first and the second plates have suffered some
damage with the result that some letters have become indistinct, though they can be easily
made out from the context.
The characters are early South Indian of about the 6th century A.D. and resemble those of
the other grants of the same king Umavarman, viz. the Bрhatprоштha grant,
Dhavalapетa etc (G. S. Gai).
First Plate
1 Siddham [|*] [Svasti]
2 [щrи-ma]hаrаj-Оmavarmmа | Hонarекga-grаmе sarvva-samavеtаn
3 kuтumbinas=samаjгаpayaty=asty=ешa grаmо=smabhiЫ =putra
4 Vasuшенarаjasya puнya-yaщо-bhivрddhayе Vаsiштha-sagо-
5 trаya Taittirиya-sabrahmachаriне brаhmaнa-Bhartрщarmmaне
Second Plate, First Side
6 а-sahasrамщu-щaщi-tаraka-pratiштham=agrahаraк=kрtvа Danta-
7 yavаgу-madambаd=viniшkршya Kaliкg-аgrahаra-sаmаnyaм kрtvа
8 sarvva-kara-parihаraiщ=cha parihрtya prattaх [|*] tad=еvaм viditvа
9 yuшmаbhi[Ы =pуrvv-о]chita-maryyаday=оpasthаnак=karttavyaм mеya-hira-
10 нy=а[dyaг=ch=оpanи]yam=bhaviшyataщ=cha rаjго vijгаpayati [|*] dharmma-
11 krama-vikramанаm=anyatama-yоgаd=avаpya mahиm=anuщаsatам
12 pravрttakam=idan-dаnaм saddharmmaм(rmma)m=anupaщyadbhir=ешо=grahаrо=nu-
13 pаlyaх [|*] bhavanti ch=аtra Vyаsa-gиtах щlоkах [|*] Bahubhir=bba-
14 hudhа dattа vasudhа vasudh-аdhipaiх [|*] yasya yasya yadа bhуmiх
15 tasya tasya tadа phala[m] [||*] Sva-dattам para-dattам vа yatnаd-rakшa Yudhi-
Third Plate
16 штhi[ra] [|*] mahиm=mahimatам щrештha
dаnаch=chhrеyо=ёnupаlanam || [|*]
17 Шaштiм varшa-sahasrанi svarggе vasati bhуmidaх [|*] аkшеpatа ch=а-
18 numantа cha tаny=еva narakе vasеt [||*] аjга Vаsudеvaх
19 Saмvat 30 10 Vaiщаkhа(kha) dи(di) 20 dещаkшapaтal-аdhikрta-
20 Haridatta-sуnunа Mа[tр]varенa likhitam=iti || || 9