8. Bobbili plates, year 4
EI, XXVII, No. 8, 33-36 (R. K. Ghoshal, notes - C. R. Krishnamacharlu, further CRK); IO,
II, I, 25-27 (S. Rajaguru,SR).
The copper-plates, which bear the subjoined inscription, were received in
the Office of the Superintendent for Epigraphy, Madras, from Mr. Sivaramadas, an
inhabitant of Bobbili in the Vizagapatam District of Madras, through the Tahsildar of that
place. The plates which have since been presented by Mr. Sivaramadas to Government, are
now deposited in ttie Archaeological Section of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Only short
notices of the plates have appeared (Annual Report on South Indian Epigraphy, 1934-36, p.
6, No. 12 of Appendix A, and pp. 51-52; also Annual Report of Arch. Surv. India, 1934-35,
p. 64.) till now. I edit the inscription for the first time from a set of ink-impressions
kindly supplied by Dr. N. P. Chakravarti, Government Epigraphist for India.
These are three plates of copper with plain edges, measuring 6 1/2" by 2 1/8".
Towards the proper right end of each plate, there is a ring-hole, 3/8" in diameter,
through which the plates slide on to a copper ring, 2 3/4 in diameter. The ends of the
ring are soldered on to an elliptical seal measuring 1 1/8" by 5/8". The seal
bears, in a rectangular incuse, the legend Pitri(tрi)bhaktaх in the same alphabet as
that of the plates. Metre vv.1-3 : Щlоka (Anuштubh).
Palaeographically, the Bobbili inscription, like other early inscriptions from Kaliкga is
to be referred to the flrst half of the 5th century A. D. The Year 4 mentioned is
apparently regnal. (RG)
First Plate
1 Ом Svasti [||*] Vijaya-Siмhapurа[t]-paramahhаgavata[х]
2 Kaliкg-аdhipati-щrи-mahаrаjа(ja)-Caндavarmmа Tiritthанa-grаmе sarvva-
3 samavеtаn=kuтumbinaх(nо) bhоjakа[м]щ=cha samаjгаpayaty=asty=ешо(шa)
4 ёsmаbhir=аtmana[х] puнy-аyur-yyaщasаm=abhivрddhayе
5 pratiштham=agrahаraм kрtvа sarvva-kara-parihаraiщ-cha parihрtya
Second Plate: First Side.
6 d-agrahаra-sаmаnyaг=ch=аgrahаra[х*] pradеya[м*]
samba(mva)tsarikaм saкаgraм щatabhu(bhу)-
7 yaг=ch=ащaм=ch=оpanibandhyaх T[i]ritthанa-vатak-аgrahаra-brаhmaнаnам
8 nаnа=gа(gо)tra-sabrahmachаriнаm samprattaх [|*] tad=еvaм jгаtvа
9 yuшmаbhiх pуrvv-оchita-maryyаdayа sarvv-оpasthаna[м] karttavyam
10 mеya-hiraнy-[а]dyaг=ch=оpanеyam [|*] bhaviшyataщ=cha rаjго
11 vijгаma(pa)yаmi[|*] dharmma-krama-vikramанаm=anyatama-yоgа-
12 d=avаpya mahиm=anuщаsatаm pravрttakam=idan=dаnaм
13 sad-dharmmam=anupaщyadbir=ешо=ёgrahаmа(rоё)nupаlya [|*] api ch=аtra
14 Vyаsa-gиtаni(tаn) щlоkаn=udаharantiх(nti) [|*] Bahubhir=budvaмvо(rvasudhа)
dattа vasudhа
15 [va]sudhаdhipaiх [|*] yasya yasya yadа bhуmiх tasya tasya tada(dа) phalaм(lam)
Third Plate
16 [Sva-da]ttаm=para-dattаm=bа yatnаd=rakшa sva Yudhiштhira [|]
mah[и]n=ma(m=ma)himatам щrештha
17 [dаnаch=chhrеyо]=ёnupаlanaм(nam) [||2||*] Шaштhiм varшa-sahasrанi
svarggе vasati bhу-
18 mida[х] [|*] аkшеptа ch=аnumantа cha tаny=еva narakе vasеd=iti [||3||*]
19 svayam=аjгаpanа [|*] dещаkшapaтalаdhikрtеna Mаtрvarasya
20 sуnunа Rudradattеna likhitam=itiх(ti) [|*] Saмvatsaraм chaуtama 4 Grишma 2 di
5 [||*]