Inscription B

This inscription containing three lines is engraved on the front face of the pedestal of the second Buddha bronze image. It contains two sentences. The first one records the gift of the image by the venerable (bhadanta) Buddhadаsa who is stated to be the preceptor of the ascetics of the Щаkya clan.


1 Siddham [|*] Dеya-dharmmа(rmmо)=ya[м] Щаkya-[bh]ikшuk-аchаryya-
2 bhadan[ta-Bu]ddhadаsasya [|*] yad=atra puнya[м]
3 tad=[bhavatu sa]rvva-[sa]tvа(ttvа)nам(nаm) ||
From the original.
L. 1. Siddham expressed by a spiral symbol; [The reading is bhikшоr=аchаryya.-Ed.]
L. 2. Faint traces of these ([ta-Bu]) letters are visible in the original; below ya (in yad) there is an unnecessary stroke which looks like the medial u-sign of the modern Nаgarи.
L. 3. Faint traces of these ([bhavatu sa]) letters are visible in the original; the medial а-sign (in tvа) is added to the subscript v.