Inscription C

This inscription is engraved on the four sides of the pedestal of the third bronze image of the standing Buddha. It contains only one line which begins in the left corner of the pedestal on the back side of the image and after running counter-clockwise over four faces of the pedestal ends at the right corner of the right side.
This record also consists of two sentences of which the first one records that the image was the pious gift of a woman named Vidyаdharasvаminи, who is described as the mother of a certain Аnandavatsa, designated as mahаpratиhаra. The second sentence states that the merit accruing to this pious act is meant for the attainment of the unconcealed knowledge (an-аvaraнa-jгаna)\1 of all sentient beings (sattva-lоka), who, being impregnated with the unlimited sensory elements (aparimita-lоka-dhаtu), are entwined in the bonds of all sorrowful attachments (anuщaya-bandhan-аvabaddha).


(Back side)
Siddham [|] Dеya-dharmmо=ya[м] mahа-[p]ratиhаr-Anandha(nda)vatsa-mаtu[r]= Vv[i]ddhyа(dya)-

dharasvаminyа[х*|] yad=atra puнyan=tad=bhavatv=a-

(Front side)

(Right side)
satva(ttva)-lоkasy=аnаvaraнa-jгаn-аvаptayе ||
From the original. Siddham expressed by a spiral symbol.