No. 62. Saмvat 517 (Gn 518) Bудhаnиlkaнтha Stone Inscription

A slab of stone standing near the gate of the walled tank of Щeшaшаyи Viшнu called Bудhаnиlakaнтha near the foot of the Щivapuri hill, 4 miles due north of Kathmandu. The top of the stone has a design of flowers. The stone is broken into two pieces. The piece giving the text up to 10 lines as published by BLI still exists. Another piece is missing. But there is a rubbing of this fragment from which the rest of the inscription is available. The inscribed space is 40 cm wide and 60 cm long. Date: Saмvat 518 according to Gnoli, but following the preceding inscription it is safe to read it as 7. Probably both were issued on the same day. (R).
Bhaттаraka Mahаrаja Щrи Щivadeva from Mаnagriha. Dutaka - Vipravarmma Gomin From the advice (vijгаpitena) of Щrи Mahаsаmanta Aмщuvarman; prasаdo vaх kрta Records the grant (prasаda) to the inhabitants of a pагchаlи Акlаbaka and Narasiмha - it concluded with the rights to the representatives (adhikрta) of Kуther-vрtti to enter this places only for the collection of three taxes (trikaramаtrasаdhana). But in the cases of five crimes (paгcаparаdha) and accomplishment the written gifts (lekhyadаna) and others, their entry was prohibited.
Gn. XXVII; DV 64; HJ 67; R. 59;


1. Oм svasti mаnagрhаc-chruta-naya-vinaya-ggаmbhиryya-vиryy-аdya-щeшa-
2. sadguнa-gaнаdhаro licchavi-kulaketur-bhaттаraka-mahаrаja-щrи-щi-
3. vadevaх kuщalи акlаbakasapitаnarasiмh-obhaya-pагcаlи-
4. nivаsino yath-аpradhаnaк-grаma-kuтumbinaх kuщalam-аbhашya
5. samаjгаpayati viditam-bhavatu bhavatам yath-аnena pрthusa-
6. mara-sampаta-nirjay-аdhigata-щauryya-pratаp-opahata-saka-
7. la-щatru-pakшa-prabhаvena samyak-prajаpаlana-pariщram-opаrjji-
8. ta-щubhra-yaщobhivyаptadiк-maндalena щrи-mahаsаmant-амщuvarmma-
9. на yuшmad-dhita-vidhаnаya vijгаpitena mayaitad-gauravа-
10. [d-yuшmad-anukampa]yа ca kуther-vрtty-adhikрtаnам samucitas-trи[stri]-
11. karamаtra-sаdhanаy-aiv-аtra-praveщo [lekhyadаna]-
12. paгcаparаdhаdi-nimittan-tv-apraveщa iti prasаdo vaх kр-
13. tas-tad-evaм-vedibhir-asmac-caraнa-tal-opajиvibhir-anyair-vvа
14. na kaiщcid-ayam-prasаdoёnyathа karaниyo yas-tv-etаm-аjгам vila-
15. кghy-аnyathа kuryyаt-kаrayed-vа tam-aham-atitarаnna marшayiшyа-
16. mi bhаvibhir-api bhуpatibhir-dharmmagurubhir-ggurukрta-prasа-
17. d-аnuvarttibhir-iyam-аjга samyak-pratipаlanиyа dуtakaщ-c-аtra
18. vipravarmma-gomи saмvat 517 pratham-ашадha-щukla-dvаdaщyаm ||


L. 1. Gn. read: -vinaya-щauryya-dhairyya-vиryyа-.
L. 3. Bh.I. has kuщalи - - - - pitа narasimho bhaya - - - - (Gn).
L. 4. Read: pradhаnак (DNL).
L. 6. Bh.I.: -pratаpаpahata-(Gn).
L. 8. The akшara ma (in sаmanta) is engraved below the line (Gn).
L. 10. In this line Bh.I. reads nyadhikрtаnа samucita - - only. Gnoli read: samucita-[s trikara].
L. 11. Gn. not read atra.
L. 12. Gn. read: paгcаparаdhаdyarthan.
L. 15. Gn. read: -кghyа- on stk. 14.
L. 18. Gn. read: 518.