32. Soro II plates, year 15.
EI, XXIII, No. 32. (N. G. Majumdar) 202-03; IO, II, III, 136-137 (SR).




These copper plates, which are edited here for the first time, were unearthed at Badkhuri near Sоrо in the Balasore District of Orissa, and recently acquired by the Ravenshaw College Museum, Cuttack. Prof. N.C. Banerji of the College brought the plates to me for decipherment in March 1937, and as they had a thick incrustation of verdigris they were chemically treated in the Indian Museum, Archeological Section, I am obliged to the authorities of the Ravenshaw College Museum for the loan of thc plates, as also for the permission to edit them in this Journal.
These are four plates (A, B, C and D), representing four separate documents, each complete in itself. Their respective sizes are as follows:—A, 7 1/2" x 4"; B, 8" x 5 1/4"; C, 7 1/2" x 4 1/4" and D, 7 1/4" x 3 3/4". The plates are engraved on both sides, there being 19 lines of writing in A, 21 lines in B, 18 lines in C and 21 lines in D. Originally each plate had a seal attached to it at the left hand side, but the seals of plates A, B and C are missing. Plate D still retains the seal, but it is very much worn out and its details are completely obliterated. (N. G. Majumdar)
C. — Another Plate of Sоmadatta; the year 15.



1 ом svasti[|*] щагchатakаt=paramadaivata-щrи-Paramabhaттаraka-pаd-аnudhyаtо mahа-
2 va(ba)lаdhikрt-аntaraкga-mahаsаndhivigrahika-Sоmadattaх kuщalи Sarеph-аhаra-
3 samba(mba)ddha-Varukанa-viшayе varttamаna-bhaviшyan-mahаsаmanta-mahаrаja-rаja-
4 puttra-kumаrаmаty-оparika-viшayapati-tadаyuktaka-dандavаsika-sthаnаntarikа-
5 n=anyамщ=ca chатa-bhaтa-vallabha-jаtиyаn-viшaya-mahаmahattara-kутakоlasa-
6 pustapаl-аdy-adhikaraнaм cha yathаrham=pуjayaty=avagamayati cha viditam=astu bhava-
7 tаm=еtad-viшaya-samva(mba)ddha-cira-khila-[щу]nyо Va(Ba)hirvvатaka-grаmaх parama-daivata-
8 щrи-Paramabhaта(тта)raka-pa(pа)dаnаm=а-chandr-аrkka-samakаlaм puнy-аbhivрddhayе Vаtsya-sagо-
9 ttra-Vаjasanеya-charaнa-Dhruvamittrasvаmy-Аruкgasvаmibhyam rаja-tаmra-paттa-sthityа
10 pratipаditas=tad=anayоs=samuchita-rаjadatti-tаmra-paттa-dаnaм dattvа bhuгjаnayоr=na
11 kеnachid=vа(bа)dhа kаryа еша cha dattiх paramadaivata-щrи-Paramabhaттаraka-pаdаnам


12 dharmmasya cha gauravаt=pratipаlayitavyа | uktaм cha dharmma-щаstrе[|*] Va(Ba)hubhir=vvasu-
13 dhа dаttа rаjabhis=Sagar-аdibhiх[|*] yasya yasya yadа bhуmis=tasya tasya tadа
14 phalaм(m) ||[1*] Mа bhуd=aphala-щaкkа vaх para-datt=еti pаrthivах [|*] sva-dаnаt=phala-
15 m=аnantyaм para-dаn-аnupаlanaм(m) || [2*] шaштiм varшa-sahasrанi svarggе ti-
16 штhati bhуmidaх [|*] аkшеptа ch=аnumantа cha tаny=еva narakе vasеd=iti (t || || [3*] iti)
17 samvat 10 5 Mаgha di 20 4 likhitaм Щubhasiмhеna |
18 tаpitaм pедаpаlaka-Divаkarенa utkиrннaм Nаrаyaнеna ||