43. Mallar (Bilaspur, M. P.) copper-plates of Jayarаja.
IE. AR. 1958-59, p. 26, No. 5, App. A; EI. Vol. XXXIII (1959-60), pp. 155-58 & Pls.
(D. C. Sircar), AMS, I:V.
A set of three copper plates was recently discovered at the village of
Mallаr in the Bilaspur District of Madhya Pradesh. The inscription was seemed by Mr.
Amarnath Sao of Bilаspur, who showed it to Pandit L. P. Pandeya Sarma of Raigarh, Raipur
District, Madhya Pradesh. Pandit Pandeya advised Mr. Sao to send the plates for
examination to the office of the Government Epigraphist for India. Mr. Sao was kind enough
to agree with the request and the plates were received in my office about the end of April
1958. The three plates, which have rounded corners, measure each about 5.4 inches in
length and 2.95 inches in height. The thickness of the central plate is about 1/8 inch,
the other two plates being thinner (about 1/16 inch thick). The, plates are strung on a
ring 1/4 inch in thickness and 2 1/2 inches in diameter. But the seal, originally affixed
to the ring, is now lost. There are in all 23 lines of writing, six lines each on the
inner side of the first plate and the obverse and reverse of the second plate and only
five lines on the inner side of the third plate. The weight of the three plates together
is 32 3/4 tolas and that of the ring only 3 3/4 tolas. The charter is written in
'box-headed' characters and its language is Sanskrit.
The record is not dated in any era. It registers a charter of king Jayarаja
(Mahа-Jayarаja) issued from Щarabhapura which seems to have been situated near modern
Sirpur in the Raipur District. The charter was issued on the fifth day of the month of
Kаrttika in the fifth year of the reign of Jayarаja who very probably flourished about
the middle of the sixth century A. D., although his exact reign period cannot be
determined.(D. C. SIRCAR.)
Language: Sanskrit. In prose but for the usual benedictive and imprecatory verses at the
Metres: Verse 1: Vasantatilakа; Verse 2: Indravajrа; Verses 3-4: Anuштubh.
Script: Box-headed variety of the Central Indian alphabet.
Date: Regnal Year 5, Kаrttika 5. About the middle of the sixth century A.D.
Measuring about 5-4" long and 2-95" broad, these plates have rounded corners.
The central plate is thicker (about 1/8") than the other two plates (1/16").
First Plate
1 Svasti [|*] Щarabhapurаt
2 bhir=dh[au]ta-pаda-yugalо
3 gо-pradaЫ paramabhаgavatо mаtа-pitri(tр)-pаd-аnuddhyаtaх
4 A[м]tta(ta)ranаlakиya-Kadaм(da)mbapadrullakе prativаsi-k[u]тumbinas=sa(na
5 jnаpayati | viditam=astu vо yath=аsmаbhir=ayaм grаmas=Tridaщapati-
6 sadana-sukha-pratiштh-аkarо yаvad=ravi-щaщi-tаr[а]-kiraнa-pratihata-
Second Plate, First Side
7 ghоr-аddha(ndha)kаra[м*] jagad=avatiштhatе
tаvad-upabhоjya(gyaх) sa-nidhis=s-оpanidhi-
8 r=a-chатa-bhaтa-prаvai(vе)щya[х*]
9 rd[d]isvаminas=sоm-оparаgе mаtа-pitrоr=аtmanaщ=ca puнy-аbhivra(vр)ddha-
10 yе udaka-pуrvvaм tаmbra(mra)-щаsanеn=аtisрштas=tе yуyam=еvam=upala-
11 bhyаsy=аjга-щravaнa-vidhеyа bhуtvа
yath-оchita-bhоga-bhаgam=upanayaмttaх(taх) sukhaм
12 prativa[t*]syatha | bhaviшyataщ=ca bhуmipаn=anudarщayati | Dаnаd=viщi[штa-
Second Plate, Second Side
13 m=anupаlana-jaм purанаt dharmmешu niщchita-dhiyaЫ
pravadaм(da)nti dharmma [|*]
14 tasmа[d*]=dvijаya suviщuddha-kula-щrutаya dattам bhuvaм bhavatu vо mati-
15 r=еva gоptuм(ptum) [||1||] bhavadbhir=apy=еша dattir=anupаla-
16 yitavyа | Vyаsa-gиtамщ=c=аtra щlоkаn=udаharaмtti(ti) | Agnеr=apatyaм
17 prathamaм suvarннaм | bhуr=vvaiшнavи sуryya-sutащ=ca gаvaх [|*]
18 s=tеna bhavaмtti(ti) lоkа | yaX=kагcanaм gам(gа)г=ca mahиг=ca dadyа[t]
Third Plate
19 шaм(шa)штi-varшa-sahasrанi svarggе mоdati bhуmidaх [|*]
аcchеttа c=аnumaм-
20 ttа(ntа) ca tам(tа)ny=еva narakе vasеt [||3||*] Bahubhir=vvasudhа dattа
21 gar-аdibhiх [|*] yasya yasya yadа bhуmis=tasya tasya tadа
22 phalaм(la)m=iti [||4||*] sva-mukh-аjгayа | ukti(tkи)rннaм Acalasiкghеna [|*]
23 pravarddhamаna-vijaya-saмvvatsara paм(pa)гca 5 Kаrttika-disо 5 [||*]