44. Mallar (Bilaspur, M.P.) copper-plates of Jayarаja.
Ind. Arch., A Review, 1958-59, p. 60, N, 24, First Set; IE.AR.ю 1958-59, p. 27, No. 8,
App. A; , EI. Vol. XXXIV (1961-62), No. 6. pp. 28-31 & Pls. (G. Bhattacharya & M.
Sivayya), AMS, I : VII.
This set of three copper plates, which is being published here for the
first time, was discovered along with three others at the village of Mallаr in the
Bilaspur District of Madhya Pradesh. Of the other three charters which are also being
published in the pages of this journal, one was issued by Jayarаja in his 5th regnal year
while two belong to Pravararаja and Vyаghrarаja. [See above. Vol. XXXIII, pp. 155 ff;
below, pp. 47 ff., 53 ff.]
The plates have rounded corners and measure approximately 6 inches by 3-2 inches each.
They have each a square hole about the middle of the left margin for the seal-ring to pass
through. The three plates altogether contain 20 lines of writing, the inner sides of the
first and third plates and both sides of the second having each 6 lines and the second
side of the third plate 2 lines only. The seal resembles that attached to the king's other
charters and the legend represents Jayarаja as the son of Prasanna (i.e. Prasannamаtra)
and the vanquisher of his enemies by his valour. The three plates together weigh 17 tolas
and the seal with the ring 39 tolas.
The characters belong to the 'box-headed' alphabet and the language of the record is
Sanskrit. Excepting the five imprecatory and benedictory verses, the whole charter is
written in prose.(G. Bhattacharya & M. Sivayya)
Having rounded corners, the plates measure approximately 6" by 3-2".
Language: Sanskrit. In prose except the customary benedictory and imprecatory stanzas at
the end and the legend on the seal.
Metres: Verse 1: Vasantatilakа; Verse 2: Indravajrа; Verses 3-6: Anuштubh.
Script: Box-headed variety of the Central Indian alphabet.
Date: Regnal Year 9, Jyestha 5. About the middle of the sixth century A.D.
First Plate
1 Svasti [|*] Щarabhapurаt
2 prasеk-аmbu-dhauta-pаda-yugalо ripu-vilаsinи-sиmaм(ma)nt-оddharaнa-hеtu-
3 r=vvasu-vasudhа-gо-pradaЫ paramabhаgavatо mаta-pitр-pаd-аnudhyаtaх(ta)-
4 щ=щrи-Mahа-Jayarаjaх Nagarоttara-paттi(тти)ya-Mоkkеppikаyа[м]
5 nas=samаjгapayaty=astu vо viditaм | yath=аsmаbhir=ayaм
6 sadana-sukha-pratiштhаkarо
Second Plate, First Side
7 kаraм jagad=avatiштhatе
8 sa[r*]vva-kara-visarjjitо mаtа-pittrоr=аtmanaщ=ca
puнy-аbhivрdhya(ddhy-a)rttha[м*] haдappagrаha-[Va]-
9 tsеna bahvрca-Bhаrggava-sagоtra-Mahещvarasvаmi [|] еva[м*] Щabara-bhоgika-
10 bavri(hvр)-ca-Bhаrggava-Rudrasvаmi
11 ........................................................ nаmi(ma)-tisрштakо
12 bhуtvа tаmbra(mra)-щаsanеn=аsmаbhir=ana(nu)mоditaх(ta)s=te
Second Plate. Second Side
13 bhy=aiшаm=аjга-щravaнa-vidhеyа bhуtvа yath-оcitaм
14 ttе(nta)s=sukhaм prativatsyatha [|*] bhaviшyataщ=ca bhуmipаn=anudarщayati [|*]
15 Dаnаd=viщiштam=anupalanajaм purана | dharmmешu niщcita-dhiyaЫ
16 nti dharmma[м](rmmam) | tasmа[d*]=dvijаya su-viщuddha-kula-щrutаya | dattа[м*]
bhuvaм bha-
17 vatu vо matir=еva gоptu[m*] |[|*1] tad=bhavadbhir=apy=еша
da[tti*]r=anupаlayitavyа | Vyаsa-
18 gиtа[м*]щ=c-аtra щlоkаn=udаharanti [|*] Agnеr=apatyaм prathamaм
suvarннaм bhуr=vvai-
Third Plate, First Side
19 шнavи s[у]ryya-sutащ=ca gаvaх [|*] dattаs=trayas=tеna
bhavaм(va)nti lоkах
20 yaX=kагcanaм gам ca mahи[м] ca dadyа(dyаt)||2 Шaштi-varшa-sahasrанi
svarggе mоda-
21 ti bhуmidaх [|*] аcchеttа c-аnumaмttа(ntа) ca tаny=еva narakе vasе[t*] ||3
22 r=vvasudhа dattа rаjаbhis=Sagarаdibhiх [|*] yasya yasya yadа bhуmi[s*]=
23 tasya tasya tadа phalaм(lam) ||4 Sva-dattам para-dattам vа yatnаd=rakшa
Yudhiштhira [|]
24 mahи(hим)t=mahimatа(г)-cchrе(щrе)штha dаnac=chrеyо=ёnupаlanam=iti ||5
Third Plate, Second Side
25 sva-mukh-аjгayа utkиrннaм Achalasiкghеna |
26 saмvvatsara[х*] 9 Jyештha-di 5 ||
Prasaм(sa)nna-tanayasy=еdaм vikkram-оtkhаta-vidviшaх [|*]
щrиmatо Jayarаjasya щasana[м*] ripu-щаsanaм(nam ||)